Human beings are a weird lot, aren't we? I always hear people complaining about others (well, including myself) but have we ever thought if we ourselves may be at fault too? Imagine this, if we are always complaining about others, I bet others are complaining about us too. This morning, I overheard some colleagues gathered together and were complaining about some people. Not that they were at fault but I was thinking to myself, probably those people whom they were complaining about might be gossiping among themselves too!
And there are people who are great pretenders. Somehow they seem to be able to portray themselves as so noble, so innocent and are such great human beings. However, their actions don't seem to be consistent with their words! My God! What in the world are these people thinking about? I simply can't understand how one's actions can't seem to gel with one's words! How do they manage to do it? Am searching for an answer......
Someone wrote in her blog that certain people help others in order to make themselves look gracious. Gosh, I never thought about that in my entire life! If you wanna help, you will help. Why would someone help others to make themselves look good? Do most people do that? Who the hell has so much time and energy to spare in order help others so as to make themselves look gracious?? If you agree with Abraham Maslow, having met their basic nees, human beings will pursue other higher needs---> Esteem and Self-actualization. Well, I guess this theory is too general, because not everyone will satsify their needs based on this hierarchy. It also depends on the individual's character, either innate or nurtured.
You see, a person who does not know me at all and who reads my entries may think that I am a 'good' person. But who knows? Perhaps I am just one of those great pretenders? HaHa....
What more can I say!