Sunday, September 16, 2007

Perception Vs Reality

Definition of perception in Merriam Webster dictionary

Function: Noun
1a: Result of perceiving, observation 1b: A mental image
3a: Awareness of elements through physical sensation b: physical sensation experienced in the light of experience
4a: A quick, acute, intuition cognition b: A capacity for comprehension

Definition of reality in Merriam Webster dictionary

Function: Noun
1: the quality or state of being real
2a: A real event, entity, or state of affairs

Perception and reality are clearly defined in dictionaries but in 'reality', are they the same? Or are they entirely different?

What we perceive are things that we see around us and how we interpret these things that we have seen. Does perception translate into reality? Hmm... this is debatable, but a good example of perception being different from reality is a slim girl whom people perceive as physically weak (because of her size), but in reality, she is able to do menial physical tasks on her own (at least physical tasks that people in general think that she can't do due to her size!). Hey, this is a real-life example as I am the protagonist of this example!:-)

I recall an ex-boss telling me that perception is reality. How people perceive you is crucial because that is how people in general form conclusion about you, about your capability, your personality, practically everything about you. However, I beg to differ. By doing so, isn't one's judgement's impaired? If one does not know another person entirely, or hardly interacts with the person, what can he conclude about this person? How much can he comment on this person? So is judging a book by its cover the right way to go?

There's no doubt that 1st impression lasts, especially in job interviews. But it's still a person's overall 'intelligence' that REALLY last.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Beautiful SF

Beautiful SF skyline
With a
Beautiful Mind
In it

Beautiful SF skyline
Posseses a
Beautiful Heart

Beautiful SF Skyline
Has a
Beautiful beau

Beautiful SF Skyline
Salute You!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Living Life with a good heart

Question: How does one develop the will to do what is good and virtuous?

Answer: This topic is also connected with ways to develop inner strength. Another technique is to investigate, 'What is the meaning of life? What is the meaning of money? What is the meaning of body?' Investigate more; think more. Then, you will develop conviction that all these physical things, as well as your life, have an end. There is a point at which they give you sadness. Money, wealth, or fame - if you think deeply - ultimately do not afford permanent happiness and thus are not worthy of being sought as the final object of attainment.

Nirvana may be the final object of attainment, but at the moment, it is difficult to reach. Thus, the practical and realistic aim is compassion, a warm heart, serving other people, helping others, respecting others, being less selfish. By practising these, you can gain benefit and happiness that remain longer. If you investigate the purpose of life and, with the motivation that results from this inquiry, develop a good heart, compassion and love - using your whole life this way, then each day will become useful and meaningful. I think that this is the main method to develop will.

This is a teaching excerpt from the Dalai Lama at Harvard.

I can't agree more on the above answer. But sometimes I just ponder over how to handle people who are selfish towards me? People who are nasty towards me? People who say hurtful things about my loved ones? People who are not nice in general? People who are fake and pretend to be nice towards you? Still searching for an answer......I guess I still have a long way to go.....

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Judy Collins - Both Sides Now

Vanessa Williams

Saving the Best for Last

The Sweetest Day

One day when I pass on,
I pray that this song will play on

The Sweetest Day
What does it encompass?

The Sweetest Day
It's also the Happiest Day

The Sweetest Day
It's also the most memorable Day

How many Sweetest Days does one have in his entire life?
Just one? two? or more?

What matters most
Is that
This Sweetest Day
Is forever
Buried deep inside
Deep within
The abyss
My Heart
My Memory

"You and I, in this moment
Holding the night so close
Hanging on, still unbroken
While outside the thunder rolls

Listen now, you can hear our heartbeat
Warm against lifes bitter cold
These are the days
The sweetest days we'll know

There are times that scare me
Were rattle the house like a wind
Both of ours so unbending
We battle the fear within

All the while, life is rushing by us
Hold it now and dont let go
These are the days
The sweetest days we'll know

So well whisper a dream here in the darkness
Watching the stars till theyre gone
And then even the memories have all faded away
These days go on and on

Listen now, you can hear our heartbeat
Hold me now and dont let go
These are the days
Every day is the sweetest day we'll know

These are the days
The sweetest days we'll know"