Sunday, March 11, 2007


Missing my school days so much, especially my secondary and uni days. How time flies. Those were the days that I guess I was truly happy? Life sucks. There are so many things that one has to do in order to achieve true happiness. Is it that difficult? I do not know.

Perhaps I am reliving too much of my past, I just refuse to let go those happier times. Why? I guess a person only relives his or her past if he or she is unhappy. Memories is a by-product of unhappiness, remember?

I feel so bored. So bored that I forced myself to take an afternoon nap just now. What kind of life is this? I just refused to continue reading my book, refused to go running, refused to do anything. Anything at all.

It's probably time that I need to find something to do, but I do not know what I should do.

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