Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Hell on Earth

Yeah, hell on earth. "Must be positive!", so says Patricia Mok in My Sassy Neighbour. Easier say than done, eh? How to stay positive when one is down with everything? Panick attacks, narcorleptic, OCD, hunch-back, pimples, ezyma,asthma, etc, etc. You name it. One has everything that is associated with the negative aspects of everything about life. Patricia Mok, can you tell me how one can stay positive with one is invaded with so many dreaded diseases? Yeah, these are not life-threatening, and you may say they are no big deals. Terminal illnesses are worse. However, do you expect one to live with all these for the rest of his or her life? Even though he or she happens to live till a ripe old age? Any answers? How does a mentally ill patient live through the rest of her or his life? How does a schizophrenia live for the rest of her or his life? We are not schizos. We are not mentally ill. We do not know what goes through their minds. So who are we to comment? Who are we to exclaim "Must be positive!" They are all bullshits, arent' they?

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