Friday, August 06, 2010

An Ugly Life?

On my way to work the other day, I saw an old man who bears a resemblance to Jose. He has a huge growth on his face but it has not covered up his whole face yet. The growth is kindda round and smooth; unlike that of Jose's, who has multiple growths which protrude and are rough in surface. I started questioning myself: Why doesn't he seek help? Is it because he is poor? Or is it because he just doesn't want to seek help? Or is it because lilike the young Jose, whose mum used to pamper him and gave him the idea ththat it was the mirror's fault that he is ugly?

It really pains me to see people like them suffering everyday.

On the same day when I was returning from work, there was this really elderly man sitting beside me in the bus. He looks like he is in his late 80s or early 90s with numerous liver spots on his wrinkled face and hands. He started asking me if the bus that he boarded would take him to B. I told him the bus would go to W. He emphasized again that he had to return to B. I told him that he had to get off at the next stop and walked to another stop at the junction to take another bus to B. He did just that. However, when the bus stopped at the stop, I realised that he would have to walk about 500m to get to the stop where there is bus number 7. I felt so sorry for him instantly. I prayed that he got back home safely eventually.

I guess life is not so beautiful afterall for people like them...

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