Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Lots of things on my mind today. I am in a difficult situation and I think I am on the verge of losing the current job. Not that I am incapable or lazy or whatever, but I guess this position that I am currently holding is redundant? I do not have a job scope till today; one year after joining this company. Suggested to direct report on certain things that I want to do, but it seems that his hands are tight? I have to find things to do everyday coz the fact that there's nothing to do in the office is driving me nuts. But Thank God that I always manage to find productive work to do...........So I guess I should not complain too much?

There are just too many people doing the same job, duplicating each other's work. In general, people are afraid of losing their jobs. So if certain responsibilities are taken away from them, they seek other opportunities and even go to the extent of taking another person's responsibilities. The main problem associated with this, I think, is that the job scope of individuals are not clearly defined. This leads to duplications in many areas and people working independently resulting in inefficiency in work.

Praying hard that my roles will soon be defined clearly so I won't be searching for things to do when I go into office every morning!

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