Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I don't know why her mum's death affected me so much. I was too shocked to hear it from her last Friday. Her mum was watching a chinese TV programme on a Saturday at 10plus when she returned home. About 2 hours later, she came out of her room and tried to wake her mum up, thinking that she was fast asleep on the couch.

Her mum never woke up.

Her mum was rushed to the hospital and the doctor declared her dead. The cause of death : Silent heart attack.

I was still very affected after almost a week after hearing the news. I started searching on the net about dying in one's sleep. Apparently, people who die in their sleeps are usually misdiagnosed as dying from heart attacks. The real cause is most likely central sleep apnea, when one's brain fails to transmit signals to its breathing muscles.

I am getting really more melancholic about life. I am getting more doubtful about life. I am really saddened by the things happening around me.

Cherish what we have for as long as we live. I hope you get to read this.

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